Effective transport at the light-matter and fluid-solid interfaces are essential for efficient energy production and advanced manufacturing. In this talk, I will present our research findings of enhancing interfacial transport by tailoring optical and wetting properties of structured surfaces. We have developed a closed-loop approach for conceptual design, fabrication, characterization and direct simulation of high-performance energy transport devices. In this way, we have proposed novel spectrally selective nanocomposite solar absorbers, micro/nano-engineered vapor generators and condensers for harnessing natural energy and water resources. Meanwhile, we have made significant advances in micro-3D printing and functional coating towards digital microfluidics. Our recent breakthrough of quantum mechanical simulation also enable us to unveil complicated transport behaviors at the interfaces of multiphase fluids and solid. These innovative tools pave the way for accelerating the knowledge discovery of light-heat-fluid transport and the development of cost-effective solutions to real-world applications.
张博士是阿联酋国家研究基金会校企合作研究奖和美国国家科学院阿拉伯裔美国前沿奖学金获得者。在过去的几年里,他一直是多个能源和微/纳米技术研究项目(约1000万美元)的首席研究员。张博士在相变传热与微流体、纳米材料合成与添加剂微加工、太阳能发电和制冷冷却、地下多相流和水处理、能源过程动态和智能控制等领域发表了130多篇论文。他是ASME NanoEngineering for Energy and Sustainability Steering Committee、ASME Heat Transfer Division K18 Technical Committee、IEEE、 APS、 ACS、 MRS 和 ISES的活跃成员。
张博士是美国与22个阿拉伯国家(由美国国家科学院组织)举办的第四届阿拉伯 - 美国科学、工程和医学前沿研讨会的联合主席(阿拉伯方)。他也是2018年美国MRS Spring Meeting Symposium EN11 Nanomaterials for the Water and Energy Nexus的联合主席。
Dr. TieJun (TJ) Zhang is an Associate Professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Masdar Institute, Khalifa University in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He is also the Principal Scientist leading the Alibaba Cloud-Khalifa University Joint Innovation Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence for Clean Energy. He was a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. He has mentored over 35 PhD/MSc students and postdoctoral research fellows as well as many intern students.
Dr. Zhang is the recipient of the UAE National Research Foundation University-Industry Research Collaboration Award and the US National Academy of Sciences Arab-American Frontiers Fellowship Award. In the past few years, he has been the principal investigator of multiple research projects on energy and micro/nanotechnologies (~US$10M). Dr. Zhang has over 130 peer-reviewed publications on phase-change heat transfer and microfluidics, nanomaterials synthesis and additive micro-fabrication, solar power generation and refrigeration cooling, subsurface multiphase flow and water treatment, energy process dynamics and intelligent control. He is an active member of ASME NanoEngineering for Energy and Sustainability Steering Committee, ASME Heat Transfer Division K18 Technical Committee, IEEE, APS, ACS, MRS and ISES.
Dr. Zhang was the co-chair (Arab-side) of the Fourth Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering and Medicine Symposium between USA and 22 Arab countries (organized by the US National Academies). He was also the co-chair of 2018 MRS Spring Meeting Symposium EN11 Nanomaterials for the Water and Energy Nexus in USA.