我校定于2019年03月29日举办研究生灵犀学术殿堂——Syamal K. Dana报告会,现将有关事项通知如下:
报告人:Syamal K. Dana教授
主题:Dragon-king-like extreme events in coupled bursting neuron
内容简介:We evidence occasional large amplitude events in an otherwise quiet chaotic oscillation when two Hindmarsh-Rose (HR) bursting neurons mutually interact via a combination of chemical synaptic and repulsive diffusive coupling. We characterize them as extreme events by a threshold measure. A dragon-king-like probability distribution of the extreme events is seen where small to medium size events obey a power law and the larger events that cross an extreme limit are outliers. We tried to understand the origin of extreme events in the coupled systems. The extreme events originate due to instability in anti-phase synchronization (APS) of the coupled systems via two different routes, quasiperiodicity and intermittency routes for purely excitatory and inhibitory synaptic coupling, respectively. For purely repulsive diffusive coupling, the quasiperiodic route is only seen. A simple electronic experiment using two repulsively coupled analog circuits of the HR neuron model confirms occurrence of the dragon-king-like extreme events.
Syamal K. Dana,印度加尔各答Jadavpur大学数学系名誉研究员。罗兹科技大学(Politechnika Lodzka)客座教授,波兰罗兹荣誉科学家,意大利里雅斯特Abdus Salam ICTP访问学者,理学硕士考试银牌得主。研究领域有:混沌与同步、实验混沌、复杂系统、极端事件、生态网络等,担任Physical Review E, Chaos, Physics Letters A, Physica D, European Physics Letters, Int.J.Bifurcation and Chaos, PRAMANA-J.Physics等期刊的审稿人,参加主持研究项目9项,参与国际演讲46次,著书一本,发表论文90余篇。