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【学术讲座】新加坡国立大学Ciprian Iliescu研究员讲座通知

发布时间:2018年11月02日 来源:国际合作处 点击数:

报告人:Ciprian Iliescu研究员

Speaker:Dr. Ciprian Iliescu

主持人:Pavel Neuzil教授

Host:Prof.Pavel Neuzil


Time: Nov. 2nd, 2018, 10-11am


Location:Youyi Campus, Hangkong Building, School of Mechanical Engineering, No.1 conference room


Topic:Microfluidics in cell culture and gene therapy


器官细胞培养芯片是一种近年来兴起的微流控芯片技术,在药物研发中有很大应用前景。本讲座着重阐述Iliescu博士团队在该领域的主要成就:一种三维培养模型,称为约束球体(CS),它可以在静态或灌注培养中操作。在该模型中,细胞聚集在球体中,在表面改性的玻璃玻片和微细化的超薄聚对二甲苯C膜之间的三明治构型中稳定化,最大化传质,并且克服了不均匀的细胞计数和球体大小的问题。 讲座将进一步说明微流体动力学流聚焦如何能够精确控制自组装纳米颗粒,强调DNA压实。讲授两种方法:第一种方法是基于溶剂质量的快速变化,第二种方法依赖于表面活性剂和DNA溶液通过可调谐宽度的水流的受控扩散混合。这些微流体方法可以成功地用于基因治疗应用,以及用于定制定制的软纳米粒子的合成。


The present work underlines the main achievements of Dr. Iliescu in the field: a 3D culture model named constrain spheroids (CS) that can operate in both static or perfusion culture. In this model the cells aggregate in spheroids which are stabilized in a sandwich configuration between surface modified glass slide and a microfabricated ultra-thin Parylene C membrane maximizing mass transfer, and overcome problems with uneven cell count and spheroids size.

Dr. Iliescu will then illustrate how microfluidic hydrodynamic flow focusing enables an accurate control of self-assembling nanoparticles with emphasis on DNA compaction. Two approaches will be illustrated. The first method is based on rapid change of solvent quality and the second one relies on the controlled diffusive mixing of surfactant and DNA solutions through a water stream of tunable width. These microfluidic methods can be successfully used for gene therapy applications as well as for the synthesis of tailored soft nanoparticles.


Ciprian Iliescu博士,罗马尼亚人,现任新加坡国立大学“BIGHEART”生物研究中心研究员。于1999年在罗马尼亚布加勒斯特理工大学获博士学位,2001年到2003年在新加坡南洋理工大学做博士后。之后在新加坡生物工程和纳米技术研究所(IBN)工作十多年里,主要从事基于MEMS技术的organs on a chip, electrical impedance spectroscopy, microfluidics, isolation of the circulating tumor cells, transdermal drug delivery, DNA compaction for gene therapy等交叉学科研究。Ciprian Iliescu博士迄今为止已在著名期刊发表学术论文约158篇,H因子33。

Speaker's Short Biography

Dr. Iliescu got his Ph.D from Polytechnic University of Bucharest in 1999 with a field of microtechnology. He is currently a senior research scientist at BIGHEART institute, National University of Singapore. From 2001 to 2003 he was a postdoctoral fellow at Nanyang Technical University, Singapore. He has worked at Institute of Biotechnology, Singapore for over 10 years. His main research areas are MEMS-microfluidics technology, including organs on a chip, electrical impedance spectroscopy, isolation of the circulating tumor cells, transdermal drug delivery, DNA compaction for gene therapy,interdisciplinary fields, etc. He has published about 158 scientific journal papers and has H-index of 33.
