我校定于2018年10月29日举办研究生灵犀学术殿堂——Wim H.de Jeu教授报告会,现将有关事项通知如下:
报告人:Wim H.de Jeu教授
主题:Order-Disorder in Smectic Liquid-Crystalline Elastomers
内容简介:The quest for responsive materials with the ability to mimic biological systems is one of the major challenges for future polymeric materials. This requires a high level of mobility combined with shape retention. Both properties can be found in liquid crystalline elastomers (LCE) in which crosslinks keep the shape and the liquid state guarantees mobility.
In this talk I will first discuss the different types of LCE and their properties. Then I will concentrate on the disorder due to the randomness of the crosslinks. The transition to disorder is signalled by the lineshape of the quasi-Bragg peaksassociated with the smectic layeringwhich can be described by a stretched Gaussian. Its exponent changes gradually from 1 (simple Gaussian describing finite-size domains) via 0.5 (Lorentzian describing exponentially decaying short-range correlations) to <0.5 (stretched exponential correlations). In a somewhat different way,in LCEsdisorder can also be observed arounda nematic-smectic phase transition
Prof. WimH. de Jeudedicated most of his scientific life to studying soft matter, starting with liquid crystals at Philips' Research (Eindhoven, Netherlands) in the early days of liquid-crystal displays. After several years at the University of Groningen he was appointed as professor at the newly established Open University of the Netherlands. In parallel, he established a group Order/Disorder in Soft Matter at the FOM Institute AMOLF in Amsterdam. In 1977 he moved fully to Amsterdam, in combination (a few years later) with a professorship Physical Characterization of Polymers at the Eindhoven University of Technology. Problems in polymer and liquid-crystal physics, including phase transitions and ordering in films and at surfaces, were investigated using modern x-ray methods. He played an active role at various synchrotrons, in particular the ESRF (Grenoble, France), and was regularly invited as speaker at international scientific meetings.
Based on these works, Prof. Wim H. de Jeu has published more than 160 papers on PRL, Macromolecules, PRB and other journals,whichhave beencited more than 5600 times till now. His H index is 44.