我校定于2017年11月23日举办研究生灵犀学术殿堂——Grygorii Dragan教授报告会,现将有关事项通知如下:
报告人:Grygorii Dragan教授
主题:The crystal-like structures of condensed grains in the smoky plasmas and the temperature of their “melting”
内容简介:Properties of the smoky plasma with spatial organized structure condensed disperse particles (grains) are presented. The influence of size effects on the melting point of small crystalline structures analogous to that of metal oxides agglomerates or spatial ordered grain structures in smoky plasmas (plasma crystals) is considered. The dependence of the melting point of the crystal on the charges of grains and their concentration in plasma, determined using the Lindemann criterion, presented. The root-mean-square deviation of a grain under oscillations was determined as a function of the Einstein temperature. In this case, the experimental value of the frequency of electroacoustic oscillations of alumina particles in smoky plasma used as the frequency of oscillations. An expression obtained for determining the melting point of small grains as a function of the fractal dimension and the number of grains in the cluster. It is shown that the melting point of small crystalline structures increases sharply in the region of low grains concentrations and assimptotically approaches the melting point of a massive increasing concentration. It is assumed that the dependence of temperature of small particles on the size can be determinant agglomeration of oxide particles in the smoky plasmas.
Grygorii Dragan教授是乌克兰最高科技奖获得者,现为敖德萨大学物理学院院长,乌克兰科学院常务副院长特使。