关于“动能名家讲堂”之美国匹兹堡大学Peyman Givi教授系列学术报告会与授课的通知
我校定于2017年6月26日至29日举办“动能名家讲堂”——美国匹兹堡大学Peyman Givi教授系列学术报告会与授课,现将有关事项通知如下:
报告人:Peyman Givi教授
时间:6月26日(星期一) 上午10:30-12:00
6月27日(星期二) 上午9:30-11:00
主题:研究生课程/Graduate course:Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Flow (1)
学术讲座/Seminar:Dynamic Partitioning and Quantum Speedup for Turbulent Combustion Simulation
时间:6月27日(星期二) 下午2:30-5:30
6月28日(星期三) 上午9:30-11:00
6月28日(星期三) 下午2:30-5:00
6月29日(星期四) 上午9:00-11:30
主题:研究生课程/Graduate course:Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Flow (2)
学术讲座/Seminar:How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper
研究生课程/Graduate course:Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Flow (3)
研究生课程/Graduate course:Modeling and Simulation of Turbulent Flow (4)
Peyman Givi教授1980年获美国扬斯敦州立大学机械工程系学士学位,1982年获美国卡内基梅隆大学机械工程系硕士学位,1984年获美国卡内基梅隆大学机械工程博士。目前任教于美国匹兹堡大学,2015年获杰出教授头衔。
Peyman Givi教授是享誉世界的湍流模拟专家,主要研究领域包括湍流燃烧计算,计算方法与数值算法,理论统计学与随机过程等。Peyman Givi教授担任多种国际著名学术杂志主编及副主编,包括AIAA Journal,International Journal of Physics and Mathematics,Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics,Computers & Fluids,Journal of Combustion,Progress in Energy and Combustion Science。
Speaker’s Biography
Prof. Peyman Givi received his bachelor’s degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Youngstown State University in 1980. In 1982, he received the master degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie-Mellon University. And then in 1984, he received the PhD degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie-Mellon University. Prof. Givi presently worked as the Distinguished professor of Mechanical Engineering (2015-present), James T. MacLeod Professor in Swanson School of Engineering, and Professor of Petroleum Engineering of the University of Pittsburg.
Prof. Givi is an expert in turbulent flow simulations. His research interests include the turbulent flow and combustion simulation, the Computational Methods and Numerical Algorithms, and the Theoretical Statistics and Stochastic Processes. Prof. Givi’s editorship include the AIAA Journal,International Journal of Physics and Mathematics,Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics,Computers & Fluids,Journal of Combustion,Progress in Energy and Combustion Science.