报告人:Mercouri Kanatzidis(教授)
时 间:2017年6月5日(星期一) 上午09:00(开始时间)
地 点: 友谊校区东会议室
主 题: Design and Prediction of New Chalcogenides
内容简介: An ultimate goal in the field of chemistry is to identify and promote foundational and rational approaches needed to turn synthesis art into science by combining the exquisite predictability of organic synthesis with the high yields of solid state chemistry. The search for new inorganic materials and efficient syntheses is therefore a fundamental goal of chemistry. In contrast to solid-state methods, inorganic syntheses in liquid fluxes permit bond formation, framework assembly and crystallization at lower temperatures due to facile diffusion and chemical reactions with and within the flux itself. The liquid fluxes are bona-fide solvents similar to conventional organic or aqueous solvents. These reactions can produce a wide range of materials, often metastable, from oxides to intermetallics, but typically the formation mechanisms are poorly understood. In this talk I will describe how we design, approach, perform, observe, understand, and engineer the formation of compounds from inorganic melts. I will focus on how novel chalcogenides can form using the fluxes but also design concepts such as the“counterion effect”, “dimensional reduction” and “panoramic synthesis”. For example in systems such asK-Cu- S and K-Sn- S compounds that span metallic and insulating behavior can be isolated. Common structural motifs within these materials systems belie structural precursors in the melt that may be controlled by tuning reaction conditions and composition. Using complementary techniques of in-situ x-ray diffraction we can create time-dependent maps of reaction space and probe the mobile species present in melts. An important link in our chemistry is the concept of a ‘functional group,’ a fragment of a few atoms that behaves predictably when combined with other functional groups or reagents. When well defined building blocks are present and stable in the reaction, prospects for increased structural diversity and product control increase substantially. The stabilization of a particular building block is accomplished with the tuning of flux composition which controls Lewis basicity and redox potential. In such tunable and dynamic fluxes, synthesis can be directed towards new materials. I will highlight routes toward the ultimate goal of targeted materials synthesis by controlling inorganic melt chemistry.
Mercouri Kanatzidis教授,于1979年在塞萨洛尼基亚里士多德大学获得化学学士学位,1985年在爱荷华大学获得化学博士学位,并于1985-1987年期间分别在美国密歇根大学和西北大学进行博士后研究工作。2006年担任西北大学Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison主席教授职务,2010年成为MRS会士,2012年成为AAAS会士,2016年成为APS会士。2003-2016年间,获得包含Alexander von Humboldt Prize,International Thermoelectric Society Outstanding Achievement Award,Royal Chemical Society DeGennes Prize,American Physical Society 2016 James C. McGroddy Prize等在内的各类奖项十余项。
他目前主要从事材料的设计、合成及其方法论、深层表征技术等内容,致力于具备特殊化学、物理或电学性能的可替代物质的潜在应用研究。主要研究领域包含特殊材料物理性能研究、环境修复、太阳能及废热能量转化等。累计发表学术论文1000余篇,其中Nature及Science 正刊发表论文20余篇,引用次数5万余次,h指数>100。Mercouri Kanatzidis教授目前担任Journal of Solid State Chemistry杂志主编,是Chemistry of Materials,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,Bulletin Korean Chemical Society,Energy and Environmental Science,Journal of Materials Chemistry A等杂志的编委会成员。同时也是Journal of American Chemical Society, Physical Review B., Physical Review Letters, Chemistry of Materials, Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications, Nature Energy, Science, ACS Nano 等国际著名期刊的特邀审稿人。